Our goal is to provide quality business database with full company contact information for our clients. Our b2b databases will also give you access to a list of U.S companies with over 59 Million business records sorted by Employees Size, Revenue, Industry, Phone, Fax, Number of Employees, SIC Code, NAICS Code, Website and etc. Our company database can be opened via Microsoft Excel to help you search, sort, print and export the information with ease and convenience. All leads and list of companies were gathered and compiled by team of programmers and data miners.
It is proven that the companies who purchase b2b leads have a higher return on income compared to those don’t. Imagine if you have access to millions of businesses with detailed company contact information. The potential in acquiring clients and building b2b partnerships is vast and boundless. Why trouble yourself by manually searching for list of companies from online directories? We already compiled the businesses and separated it by Industry and State for you!
Total Business Records: 59 Million+
File Type: CSV / XLS Country: United States Delivery: Download Separated by: State Updated Includes all U.S StatesData Cross Checked via:
Data Usage: Business Leads, Telephone Marketing, Sales Prospecting, Cold Calling, Acquiring Contact Lists , Company Research, Business Ventures, Information Search and other business-to-business related purposes. |
and many more… |
We separated the list of companies by industry so you can easily target the business type of your choosing. We compiled the U.S businesses in data format and segregated it by industry with all the company contact information data you need for your convenience. Below are the available Industries from our company database.
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing
Business Services
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate
Public Administration
Retail Trade
Transportation & Public Utilities
Wholesale Trade
United States is the one of the largest trading hub in the world. There is so much untapped opportunities for businesses like yours to gain connections and clients. Below are all the list of companies by state. Our clients are seizing the untapped potential with the use of our business list data.
Below are the total count of the business records from each state after combining both databases.
State | Count | State | Count |
Alabama | 872,416 | Missouri | 1,146,012 |
Alaska | 178,855 | Montana | 245,580 |
Arizona | 1,173,164 | Nebraska | 392,730 |
Arkansas | 542,566 | Nevada | 476,530 |
California | 7,147,197 | New Hampshire | 308,096 |
Colorado | 1,264,907 | New Jersey | 1,827,376 |
Connecticut | 827,072 | New Mexico | 362,285 |
D.C | 251,729 | New York | 3,219,616 |
Delaware | 192,012 | North Carolina | 1,845,011 |
Florida | 4,913,872 | North Dakota | 175,484 |
Georgia | 1,787,602 | Ohio | 1,631,087 |
Hawaii | 224,553 | Oklahoma | 690,564 |
Idaho | 326,081 | Oregon | 853,912 |
Illinois | 2,260,823 | Pennsylvania | 2,368,521 |
Indiana | 1,119,190 | Rhode Island | 203,137 |
Iowa | 645,579 | South Carolina | 828,868 |
Kansas | 562,385 | South Dakota | 186,340 |
Kentucky | 1,049,951 | Tennessee | 1,210,782 |
Louisiana | 677,285 | Texas | 5,036,434 |
Maine | 286,561 | Utah | 528,212 |
Maryland | 1,200,461 | Virginia | 1,558,660 |
Massachusetts | 1,469,046 | Washington | 1,421,462 |
Michigan | 941,513 | West Virginia | 284,489 |
Minnesota | 1,147,728 | Wisconsin | 1,123,495 |
Mississippi | 520,000 | Wyoming | 130,034 |
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