GLOBAL BIZ Data email list is proud to provide one of the industry’s most comprehensive Email Marketing Database. We have one of the widest range of databases too, with over 3 billion contacts from different countries. Most of our premium email lists include fields such as Contact Person Name, Contact Person Title, Email Address, Phone Number, Company, Category (C-Level, Director, VP).  With our email databases and phone databases, we help entrepreneurs, start-ups, salespeople, and businesses grow their sales cost-effectively and achieve the best ROIs they should be achieved with every marketing dollar.

We offer numerous US business email lists that can help you expand your company. At GLOBAL BIZ Data, we work hard to provide only the top quality information and that is why our US business email list is up to date and constantly checked for accuracy. We offer these lists at prices that will certainly fit your budget. Be sure to order now so that you can get started expanding your company right away.

Company NamePhone Number
Contact Person Name/TitleFax Number
Email AddressWebsite URL
Street AddressAnnual Revenue
CityNumber Of Employees
StateIndustry Description
Zip CodeSIC Code
CountySIC Description
Area CodeNAICS Code
100% Verified and Responsive
Better for Email Marketing and Other Business
Bounce Rate is Very Low
Currently Working Emails
Delivery Type: Download Link
Direct Contact Emails
Format: Microsoft Excel .CSV Format
Fresh, new records
High Responsive Ratio
Highly Trusted Database
Last Update: Updated monthly
No Blacklisted Emails
No Fake Emails
No usage limitation
Qualified B2B Email Database
Spam Free Emails
Target Oriented Email Database
Usage: Unlimited Usage
Valid and High Accuracy Database
Very High Conversation Rate
Very Low Cost B2B Mailing List